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Con M2a: Value-Based Management
- Course for Master-Students
- The course is eligible for the Module WIWI-M-23002-AC/MA Con M1: Wertorientiertes Controlling. You can choose between the areas Accounting (AC) and Management (MA).
- Accounting and Company Value
- Key Figures in Value Based Management
- Basics of Value Oriented Budgeting System
- Estimation of Capital Cost Rates and Forecast of Cash Flow
- Capital Costs, Factoring and Taxes
- DCF Method
- Application problem
- Passing the exam will give you 10 Leistungspunkte for the Module WIWI-M-23002-AC/MA Con M1: Wertorientiertes Controlling
- For passing the exam you will have to successfuilly work on cases and pass a written exam at the end of the Semester. More information will be found in the course syllabus, available in Stud.IP.
Lecture and Exercise
- In total 6 SWS
- 4 hours per week lecture (Prof. Gillenkirch) and 2 hours exercise (research assistants)
- For the first day of the event a set of slides will be made available.
- There is no single textbook serving as a basis for the lecture. A reading list will be provided in the materials.
- Please address questions about contents and examination to: Katharina Glania or Lars Schiemann
- Please address general questions (course times and rooms, where to find information, etc.) to: Monika Schramm