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Prof. Dr. Herbert Neubauer


Bild Prof. Dr. Herbert Neubauer

Prof. Dr. Herbert Neubauer

Phone.: +43/1/31336-4595

Herbert Neubauer is an associate professor at the Institute for SME Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and a visiting professor at the Osnabrück University in Germany. He has the "venia legendi" in business administration. Before he habilitated, he was managing director of a medium-sized company for several years. He was a visiting lecturer at the University of Banska Bystrica and the Danube University Krems (MBA). Since 2000 Herbert Neubauer has also been a visiting professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna. He is the initiator and founder of the university course for "Family Business Management" accredited by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research. 

He is also reviewer of several scientific journals such as Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, Small Business Economics, Journal of Small Business Management, Research in Engineering.

For his research Herbert Neubauer received the Rudolf Sallinger Preis.


2003Neubauer, H.: Unternehmensqualifizierung und Unternehmerausbildung, ZfB (2), S.1-23.
2003Neubauer, H.: The Dynamics of Succession in Family Business in Wester European Countries, Family Business Review XVI (4), S.269-281.
2008Neubauer, H.: Indikatoren des Innovationserfolges im Klein- und Mittelbetrieb, in: Fueglistaller, U. Volery, Th. & Weber, W. (eds.), Innovation, Competiveness, Growth and Tradition in SMEs, St. Gallen.
2008Neubauer, H./ Kailer, N.: Entrepreneurship Education an Hochschulen: Empirische Erkenntnisse, Designansätze und Implementierungsvorschläge. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship (ZfKE), Special Issue 7, S.57-73.
2008Neubauer, H..: Family Businesses and Perspectives on Corporate Continuity- Reflections on the Situation in Continental Europe, in: Gupta, V., Levenburg, N., Moore, L., Motwani, J. & Schwarz, Th. (eds.) Culturally- Sensitive Models of Family Business in Germanic Europe- A Compendium using the Globe Paradigm, Hyderabad, S.109-132.
2009Neubauer, H.: Familienunternehmen, in: Kollmann, T. (ed.) Unternehmensgründung, 2. ed, Gabler.