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English for Studying Political and Social Sciences: Academic English Skills for Master and Advanced Bachelor Students
course number
SPZ 1.560
SoSe 2024
The Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) offers this introduction to Academic English for students in the Social Sciences (e.g., in the Master programs "Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding", "International Migration and Intercultural Relations", "European Governance", "Dynamics of Social Change", and "Economic and Social Geography") as well as for students in Economics (e.g., in the Master programs "Applied Economics", "Business Administration", and "Information Systems"). It is, however, also open to all other interested Bachelor and Master students.
The purpose of this online course is to develop English language skills for studying at university and to understand how English is and should be used in academic contexts. It will develop strategies for reading effectively and for producing well-constructed (written and spoken) texts. By focusing on what is expected of you at university, the course will practice English grammar, academic writing, critical thinking, and the proper use of sources, data, and other information.
Main Learning Outcomes:
• understanding the specifics of Academic English
• using English properly in academic contexts
• avoiding typical language errors/pitfalls
• constructing clear, concise, and convincing sentences
• understanding research papers and other difficult aca-demic texts and reading them effectively
• organizing the writing process, esp. when getting started
• developing a clear focus in a writing assignment
• planning and structuring a coherent, well-organized text
• drafting effective paragraphs
• applying critical thinking skills when expressing yourself
• working with ideas and data from the research literature and avoiding plagiarism when using academic sources
• planning and developing a literature review
Course Organization:
Throughout the course, we will both analyze different types of texts and actively practice the use of Academic English. For this, the course will alternate between lectures (with input and discussions) and tutorials (with group work and small individual projects). While the lectures address the issues listed above in a more general, interdisciplinary way and are integrating student groups from various disciplines, the tutorials will consider subject-specific topics to ensure that the guidelines and skills discussed can be applied to your course of studies. Thus, your specific requirements and your previous knowledge of English will be taken into consideration here.
additional information
location: (Online through the BBB Meeting Room)
times: Wed.. 14:15 - 15:45 (weekly),
Wed.. 16:15 - 17:45 (weekly)
first term: Wednesday, 10.04.2024 14:15 - 15:45, Room: (Online through the BBB Meeting Room)
course type: Fachspezifischer Kurs (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)
fields of study
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Economics (Accreditation 2022) > Allgemeine Kompetenzen (General Competencies)
- Sozialwissenschaften > Master Internationale Migration und Interkulturelle Beziehungen (IMIB) > Für alle interessierten IMIB-Studierenden
- Europäische Studien > Master-Studiengang > Master Europäisches Regieren (ab WS 2014/15)
- Sprachen lernen und Vielfalt gestalten
- Lernen und wissenschaftlich arbeiten
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Economics (Akkreditierung 2014) > Schlüsselkompetenzen
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Economics (Accreditation 2022) > Volkswirtschaftslehre und Methoden (Economics and Methods) > Weitere Veranstaltungsformen (other types of courses)
- Für die Studierenden im Zwei-Fächer-Bachelor-Studiengang > Professionalisierungsbereich / Schlüsselkompetenzen > Fächerübergreifende Schlüsselkompetenzen > Angebote zum Spracherwerb
- Sozialwissenschaften > Master Soziologie
- Sozialwissenschaften > Master Politikwissenschaft
- Geographie > Master Gesellschaft - Umwelt - Zukunft > Englischsprachige Veranstaltung
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Courses in English
- Business Administration and Economics
- Cultural Studies and Social Sciences (e.g. European Studies, International Relations)
- Educational and Cultural Studies
- Geographie > Master Boden, Gewässer, Altlasten > Englischsprachige Veranstaltungen
- Sozialwissenschaften > Master Politikwissenschaft: Demokratisches Regieren und Zivilgesellschaft (PO 2010/11) > Governance and Peace Building
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Alte Studienbereiche > Master of Science "Applied Economics" > Weitere Module
- Akademische Fremdsprachenlehre > Englisch
- Geographie > Master Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeographie > Englischsprachige Veranstaltungen
- Master of Arts Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding > SOZ-M-FWB_V1 - Electives
- Master of Arts Soziologie > SOZ-M-FWB - Electives
- Master of Arts Politik: Demokratisches Regieren u. Zivilgesellschaft > SOZ-M-FWB - Electives
- Master of Arts Europäisches Regieren: Markt - Macht - Gemeinschaft > SOZ-M-FWB - Electives
- Master of Arts Soziologie > SOZ-MBF-SQ - Practice and Research Skills
- Master of Arts Politik: Demokratisches Regieren u. Zivilgesellschaft > SOZ-MBF-SQ - Practice and Research Skills
- Master of Arts Europäisches Regieren: Markt - Macht - Gemeinschaft > SOZ-MBF-SQ - Practice and Research Skills
- Master of Arts Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding > SOZ-MBF-SQ_V1 - Professional qualifications & Research practices
- -Fächer-Bachelor Professionalisierung > SPZ-M3 - Akademische Fremdsprachenlehre