Fachbereich 9


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EMISA 2011

4th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures 

GI Special Interest Group on Modelling Business Information Systems (GI-SIG MoBIS), GI Special Interest Group on Design Methods for Information Systems (GI-SIG EMISA)

The strategic importance of modelling is recognized by an increasing number of companies and public agencies. Enterprise modelling delivers the "blueprints" for codesigning organisations and their information systems, so that they complement each other in an optimal way. Achieving this interplay requires a multiperspective approach that takes into account technical, organisational and economic aspects. It also recommends the cooperation of researchers from different fields such as Information Systems, Business Informatics, and Computer Science.

Subject and Topics
The workshop will address all aspects relevant for enterprise modelling and for the design of information systems architectures. It will provide an international forum to explore new avenues by combining the contributions of different schools of Information Systems, Business Informatics, and Computer Science. Therefore, the workshop is open for a broad range of subjects. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: 

  • enterprise modelling: languages, methods and tools
  • reference models
  • patterns for enterprise modelling (e.g. process patterns)
  • modelling services and service compositions in serviceoriented architectures
  • process modelling in process-aware information systems
  • component-oriented software architectures
  • model-driven system development
  • model analysis and simulation
  • ontologies for enterprise modelling
  • model evolution, model life cycle management
  • management of model variants and versions
  • model quality (e.g., compliance between the system and model level)
  • modelling cross-organisational cooperation
  • emerging areas (e.g. value-based modelling)
  • communities for developing open reference models

Currently no information available

Location and Time
The Workshop will be held at the central campus of the University of Hamburg on September 22-23, 2011. It will be co-located with the IFIP 8.6 Working Conference 2011, Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems – Managing the Transfer and Diffusion of IT.

Currently no information available

Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers limited to 14 pages in length (in English), by June 12, 2011. In addition to full research papers (14 pages), we also call for short papers (6 pages) representing research-in-progress. Papers have to be formatted according to the LNI guidelines. Accepted papers will be published in the GI LNI series and will compete for the EMISA 2011 Best Paper Award. Selected papers will be invited to a Special Issue of the Journal Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA).
Please submit your papers only at Easychair.

Important Dates

Submission:June 12, 2011
Notification:July 7, 2011
Final version:August 1, 2011
Workshop:September 22-23, 2011

Workshop Chairs
Markus Nüttgens, University of Hamburg
Oliver Thomas, University of Osnabrück
Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck

Local Organisation
Nadine Blinn, University of Hamburg
Email: nadine.blinn@wiso.uni-hamburg.de

Programme Committee (to be completed)
Witold Abramowicz, Poznan University of Economics
Antonia Albani, University of St. Gallen
Thomas Allweyer, Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern
Colin Atkinson, University of Mannheim
Lars Bækgaard, Aarhus University
Jörg Becker, University of Münster
Khalid Benali, Nancy University
Martin Bertram, Commerzbank Frankfurt
Patrick Delfmann, University of Münster
Jörg Desel, FU Hagen
Werner Esswein, University of Technology Dresden
Fernand Feltz, Centre de Recherche Public - Gabriel Lippmann
Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen
Andreas Gadatsch, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein Sieg
Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam
Wilhelm Hasselbring, University of Kiel
Heinrich Jasper, Freiberg University of Technology
Reinhard Jung, University of St. Gallen
Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna
Stefan Klink, University of Karlsruhe
Ralf Klischewski, German University Kairo
Horst Kremers, CODATA-Germany
John Krogstie, University of Trondheim
Susanne Leist, University of Regensburg
Peter Loos, Universität des Saarlandes
Heinrich C. Mayr, University of Klagenfurt
Jan Mendling, Humboldt University Berlin
Mirjam Minor, University of Trier
Bernd Müller, FH Wolfenbüttel
Bela Mutschler, Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
Volker Nissen, TU Ilmenau
Andreas Oberweis, University of Karlsruhe
Sven Overhage, University of Augsburg
Hansjürgen Paul, Institut Arbeit und Technik Gelsenkirchen
Erik Proper, Henri Tudor, Luxembourg & Radboud University Nijmegen
Michael Rebstock, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
Manfred Reichert, Ulm University
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Vienna University
Peter Rittgen, University of Borås
Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology
Matti Rossi, Aalto University School of Economics
Frank Rump, Fachhochschule Emde/Leer
Gunter Saake, University of Magdeburg
Eike Schallehn, University of Magdeburg
Carlo Simon, Provadis Hochschule
Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente
Elmar J. Sinz, University of Bamberg
Stefan Strecker, University of Duisburg-Essen
Klaus Turowski, University of Augsburg
Gottfried Vossen, University of Münster
Hans Weigand, Tilburg University
Mathias Weske, HPI Potsdam
Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen

Further Information

Prof. Dr. Markus Nüttgens
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Forschungsschwerpunkt Wirtschaftsinformatik
Max-Brauer-Allee 60, 20765 Hamburg
Email: markus.nuettgens@wiso.uni-hamburg.de

Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas
Universität Osnabrück 
Fachgebiet Informationsmanagement und Wirtschaftsinformatik 
Katharinenstraße 3, 49074 Osnabrück 
Email: oliver.thomas@uni-osnabrueck.de

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Barbara Weber
Universität Innsbruck
Quality Engineering Laura Bassi Centre of Expertise
Technikerstrasse 21a, 6020 Innsbruck (Austria)
Email: barbara.weber@uibk.ac.at