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Im Sammelband „Conjoint-Analyse“ von Baier und Brusch (2021) erscheinen die beiden Beiträge:

Baumgartner, B; Steiner, W.: Hierarchisch bayesianische Methoden bei der Conjointanalyse.

Steiner,W., Baumgartner,B. und Kurz, P.: Spieltheoretische Ansätze in der Conjointanalyse.

Baumgartner, B.; Steiner, W.: Are Consumers Heterogeneous in their Preferences for Odd and Even Prices? Findings from a Choice Based Conjoint Study, in International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), Vol. 24, 04/2007, S. 312 – 323.

Baumgartner, B., Guhl, D., Kneib, T., Steiner, W.: Flexible Estimation of Time-Varying Effects for Frequently Purchased Retail Goods: A Modeling Approach Based on Household Panel Data, inOR Spectrum, 40(4), 2018, 837-873.

Baumgartner, B., Guhl, D., Kneib, T., Steiner, W.: Flexible Estimation of Time-Varying Effects for Frequently Purchased Retail Goods: A Modeling Approach Based on Household Panel Data, in
OR Spectrum, 40(4), 2018, 837-873. 

Baumgartner, B.; Hruschka, H.: Allocation of Catalogs to Collective Customers based on Semiparametric Response Models, in European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), 162/2005, S. 839 – 849.