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EU-Horizon 2020-Project FRAMEwork
We are part of a EU Horizon 2020 project called FRAMEwork.
The project aims at finding solutions to the challenges of managing biodiversity at a landscape scale.
18 partner institutions in 11 countries are beginning work with farmers, citizens, value chains, policy makers and others to promote biodiversity sensitive farming.
The project is building on the success of innovative ‘Farmer Clusters’ in the UK. These are regional 'bottom-up' groups of farmers motivated to improve the biodiversity of agricultural land supported by a facilitator.
Stefanie Engel leads a work package on 'Behavior and Incentives'.
Therein, they address what factors influence the success of the Farmer Cluster approach and how public and private incentives can help encourage groups of farmers to adopt biodiversity-friendly practices.
More details on the project at
Contact person in our team is Dr. Fabian Thomas.
Podcast Prophets Wizards EP2 | Accounting For Nature
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Engel was a guest on the podcast "Prophets, Wizards and the Quest for Nature" and in episode 2 of the podcast Prof. Engel, together with Dr. Timothée Parrique, an ecological economist, and farmer Siim Sellis, discussed the topic "How can we better account for nature in our food system?".