Forschungsseminar - Archiv
16.01.2024 | Giang Nghiem (Leibniz Universität Hannover) "Anchoring Household’s Inflation Expectations when Inflation is High" | |
23.01.2024 | Stefan Goldbach (Deutsche Bundesbank Frankfurt) | |
30.01.2024 | Katrin Hohmeyer (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg) „Exits from and returns to welfare benefit receipt in Germany: Cumulative disadvantages or a different kettle of fish?” | |
02.04.2024 | Wenhao Wang (Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan, China) "Measurement of the Global Supply Network based on MRIO: an Analogy to Stellar Systems" | |
09.04.2024 | Yin-Wong Cheung (University of California, Santa Cruz) "International Reserve Management and Firm Investment In Emerging Market Economies" | |
16.04.2024 | Sebastian Link (ifo Institute, München) "Inflation and Wage Expectations of Firms and Employees" | |
23.04.2024 | Yabin Wang (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) "Fragility in China's shadow banking: Evidence from wealth management products selloffs" | |
14.05.2024 | Alfons J. Weichenrieder (Goethe University, Frankfurt) | |
28.05.2024 | Karsten Staehr (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia) "The Euro at 25: How Shocks and Policies Contributed to Inflation in the Euro Area Countries" | |
04.06.2024 | Lars Norden (Getulio Vargas Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) "The Real Costs of Washing Away Corruption: Evidence from Brazil’s Lava Jato Investigation" | |
11.06.2024 | Martin Schmitz (Europäische Zentralbank) "The Geography of Capital Allocation in the Euro Area" | |
25.06.2024 | Oleksandr Shepotylo (Aston University Birmingham UK) “Political alliances and trade: Europe in a polarised world” |
07.02.2023 | Maryna Shevchenko | |
02.05.2023 | Jörg Breitung (Universität zu Köln) "An endogeneity correction based on a nonparametric control function approach" | |
30.05.2023 | Yin-Wong-Cheung (University of California, Santa Cruz) "Commodity Price Effects on Currencies." | |
06.06.2023 | Joshua Aizenman (Dockson Chair in Economics and International Relations USC and the NBER, Los Angeles) "Mundell-Fleming Open Economy Trilemma in the 21st Century– Are we heading towards a multipolar global architecture?" | |
13.06.2023 | Malte Knüppel (Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt) „Assessing the ex ante uncertainty in the US SPF“ | |
20.06.2023 | Alexander Sandkamp (Universität Kiel) "Flood Events and Plant Level Trade: A Chinese Experience" | |
04.07.2023 | Ayşegül Kayaoglu (Istanbul University) “Gender-Sensitive Effects of Ethnic Enclaves on Syrian Refugees’ Paid Employment in Turkey” | |
24.10.2023 | Torben Klarl (Universität Bremen) |
31.05.2022 | Joshua Aizenman (Dockson Chair in Economics and International Relations USC and the NBER, Los Angeles) "Fiscal stimulus and commercial bank lending under COVID-19" | |
08.11.2022 | Michał Rubaszek (SGH Warsaw School of Economics) “Boosting carry with equilibrium exchange rate estimates” | |
15.11.2022 | Shujahat Ali (Mirpur University of Science and Technology, PK) “The Perception of Entrepreneurs among University Graduates in Economically Allied Countries.” | |
29.11.2022 | Ben Craig (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Ohio) |
26.10.2021 | Carl Christian Freiherr von Weizsäcker (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods) "Sparen und investieren im 21. Jahrhundert" | |
*07.12.2021 | Yin-Wong Cheung (University of California, Santa Cruz) | |
Die mit * markierten Vorträge waren im Wintersemester 2021/22 geplant, konnten aufgrund von Corona jedoch nicht stattfinden. |
21.01.2020 | Thomas Aronsson (Universität Umea) "Charity, Status, and optimal Taxation: Welfarist and Paternalist Approaches" | |
28.01.2020 | Zuzana Fungáčová (Bank of Finland) "Political Cycles and Bank Lending in Russia" | |
04.02.2020 | Ansgar Belke und Sina Asshoff (Universität Duisburg-Essen) "Unconventional monetary policy and in inflation expectations in the Euro area" | |
*14.04.2020 | Peter Wakker (Erasmus University Rotterdam) | |
*21.04.2020 | Fabio Antoniou (Athens University of Economics and Business) | |
*12.05.2020 | Aart de Zeeuw (Universität Tilburg, NL) | |
*26.05.2020 | Walter Krämer (Technische Universität, Dortmund) | |
*02.06.2020 | Martin Schmitz (EZB) | |
*23.06.2020 | Michael Koetter (IWH, Halle) | |
*07.07.2020 | Robert Dur (Erasmus University Rotterdam) | |
Die mit * markierten Vorträge waren im Sommersemester 2020 geplant, konnten aufgrund von Corona jedoch nicht stattfinden. |
15.01.2019 | Martin Hellwig (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn) "Target-Falle oder Empörungsfalle? Zur deutschen Diskussion um die Europäische Währungsunion" | |
22.01.2019 | Felix Irresberger (University of Leeds) "Coin Concentration of Proof-of-Stake Blockchains" | |
29.01.2019 | Giacomo Corneo (FU Berlin) "Lifetime Inequality and Redistribution in Germany" | |
16.04.2019 | Katharina Jenderny (Umea University Schweden und FU Berlin) | |
30.04.2019 | Therese Lindahl (Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and Stockholm Resilience Centre) "Collective action for avoiding ecological regime shifts: insights from behavioral experiments" | |
14.05.2019 | Milan Nedeljkovic (Metropolitan University Belgrad) "Central Bank Policies and Financial Markets: Lessons from the Euro Crisis" | |
21.05.2019 | Volker Böhm (Universität Bielefeld) "Sustainable Fiscal and Monetary Policy for Stable Balanced Expansion in Monetary Economies” | |
28.05.2019 | Yin-Wong Cheung (City University Hong Kong) "Truths and Myths about the RMB Misalignment: A Meta-Analysis" | |
04.06.2019 | Paul Scanlon (Trinity College Dublin) "New Goods and Labour Supply" | |
18.06.2019 | Neslihan Sakarya (University of Essex) "A property of the Hodrick-Prescott filter and its application" | |
25.06.2019 | Michael Melvin (University of California San Diego) "Trading Flows and Positioning in the Global Currency Market: alpha and risk management" | |
29.10.2019 | Sven Steinkamp (Universität Osnabrück) "Capital Flight to Germany: Two Alternative Measures" | |
05.11.2019 | Seppo Honkapohja (Aalto University School of Business) | |
19.11.2019 | Christian Grund (RWTH Aachen) "Works Councils and Performance Appraisals" | |
26.11.2019 | Erkan Gören (Universität Oldenburg) "The Impact of Foreign Aid on Local Development: A Grid Cell Analysis" | |
03.12.2019 | Emanuel Hansen (Universität Köln) "Tax reforms with many brackets" | |
10.12.2019 | Estelle Xue Liu (International Monetary Fund Washington) “Stay Relevant in the Digital Age: The Future of Banks in China and Europe” | |
17.12.2019 | Walter Krämer (TU Dortmund) "On rating the raters: Qualitätsvergleich von Kreditausfallprognosen" |
06.02.2018 | Jasmin Gider, Universität Bonn "Index Trading and Corporate Investment" | |
24.04.2018 | Eva Dettmann (IWH Halle) | |
08.05.2018 | Tai-Kuang Ho (National Tsing Hua University Taiwan) “Were Capital Flows the Culprit of the Weimar Economic Crisis?” | |
15.05.2018 | Jutta Günther (Universität Bremen) "The R&D sector under conditions of an economic crisis – experiences from European economies" | |
05.06.2018 | Yin-Wong Cheung (City University Hong Kong) "The RMB Central Parity Formation Mechanism: August 2015 to December 2016" | |
12.06.2018 | Michael Melvin (University of California San Diego) "Retaining Alpha: the effect of trade size and rebalance strategy on FX returns" | |
19.06.2018 | Andrea Schertler (Universität Lüneburg) "Shock Transmission through Shared Directors: Evidence from Bank Enforcement Actions" |
04.12.2018 | Jin Cao (Norges Bank) |
05.12.2017 | Agustín Bénétrix, Trinity College Dublin „Financial deglobalisation in banking?“ |
28.11.2017 | Paul De Grauwe, LSE European Institute London |
20.06.2017 | Michael Melvin, UC San Diego "Modeling Returns to Currency Speculation: The Importance of Accurate Trading Costs" |
13.06.2017 | Sabrina Jeworrek, Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle "Mission, Motivation, and the Active Decision to Do Good" |
30.05.2017 | Galina Hale, Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco "U.S. Monetary Policy and Fluctuations of International Bank Lending" |
16.05.2017 | Iryna Stewen, Universität Mainz "US Banking Deregulation and Growth: A Reappraisal" |
09.05.2017 | Francesco Ravazzolo, Universität Bozen "The Bank-Sovereign Nexus: Evidence from a non-Bailout Episode" |
11.04.2017 | Andreas Pfingsten, Universität Münster "Loss Given Default in Corporate Leasing" |
07.02.2017 | Lutz Schneider, Hochschule Coburg "Income Comparisons and Attitudes towards Foreigners - Evidence from a Natural Experiment" |
31.01.2017 | Hans-Werner Sinn, ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung "Buffering Volatility: A Study on the Limits of Germany's Energy Revolution" |
17.01.2017 | Alexander Popov, EZB |
10.01.2017 | Björn Vollan, Universität Marburg "The Fetters of the Sib: An Experimental Study in Burkina Faso" |
13.12.2016 | Randall Romero Aguilar, Universidad de Costa Rica "Food Security for Whom?: The Effectiveness of Food Reserves in Poor Developing Countries” |
29.11.2016 | Ojeda Joya Jair Neftali, Central bank Colombia "The Size of Fiscal Multipliers and the Stance of Monetary Policy in Developing Economies" |
22.11.2016 | Ulrike Neyer, Universität Düsseldorf "Liquidity Uncertainty and Interbank Market Frictions: Implications for Bank Loan Supply and Monetary Policy" |
01.11.2016 | Felix Noth, Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle "What drives banks’ geographic expansion? The role of locally non-diversifiable risk" |
05.07.2016 | Stefanie Engel, Universität Osnabrück "Designing incentive payments for spatial coordination: An experimental analysis of agglomeration payments with heterogenous actors" |
28.06.2016 | Christa Hainz, CESifo "Dynamics of Access to Credit and Perceptions of Lending Policy: Evidence from a Firm Survey" |
14.06.2016 | Joshua Aizenman, University of Southern California "Balance Sheet Effects on Monetary and Financial Spillovers: The East Asian Crisis Plus 20" |
07.06.2016 | Mahir Binici, Central Bank of Turkey |
31.05.2016 | Kenneth M. Kletzer, UC Santa Cruz "Fiscal insurance and sovereign debt in a monetary union" |
26.01.2016 | Phillip König, DIW Berlin |
15.12.2015 | Christoph Wunder, Uni Halle-Wittenberg "The dynamics in solo self-employment: persistence and transition to employership" | |
24.11.2015 | Luis Catão, IWF "Default Premium" | |
03.11.2015 | Lena Tonzer, IWH "Firms’ Forecast Errors and the Propensity to Invest: Evidence from Microeconomic Survey Data" | |
13.10.2015 | Ethan Ilzetzki, LSE "Interest Rates, Debt and Intertemporal Allocation: Evidence From Notched Mortgage Contracts in the UK" | |
09.06.2015 | Astrid Dannenberg, Uni Kassel "Tipping versus Cooperating to Supply a Public Good" | |
19.05.2015 | Peter Winker, Uni Gießen "Joint Confidence Bands for Forecast Paths and Impulse Responses with an application to corporate bond spreads" | |
14.04.2015 | Katja Görlitz, FU Berlin "Evaluation of the training voucher program Bildungsprämie" | |
27.01.2015 | Roel Beetsma, University of Amsterdam "The Impact of News and the Securities Market Programme on Realized (Co)Variances in the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Market" | |
13.01.2015 | Philipp Engler, FU Berlin "Progressive Taxation and Monetary Policy in a Currency Union" |
16.12.2014 | Kai Konrad, MPI Steuerrecht und Öff. Finanzen "Deception Choice and Audit Design - The Importance of Being Earnest" | |
09.12.2014 | Rajshri Jayaraman, ESMT Berlin "Productivity Response to a Contract Change" | |
26.11.2014 | Melanie Schienle, Leibniz Universität Hannover "Systemic Risk Spillovers in the European Banking and Sovereign Network" | |
21.10.2014 | Jin Cao, Norges Bank "Liquidity and Capital Adequacy in Banking Dynamics" | |
15.07.2014 | Regina Riphahn, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg "Maternal Labor Supply after Birth: Effects of a Reform of Parental Leave Benefits in Germany" | |
01.07.2014 | Jeff Furman, Boston University "Retractions in Biomedical Research" | |
13.05.2014 | Martin Biewen, Universität Tübingen "Direct estimation of equivalence scales and more evidence on independence of base" | |
06.05.2014 | Uwe Blien, IAB & Universität Bamberg "Do reservation wages react to regional unemployment?" | |
22.04.2014 | Gabriel Stein, Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum "Capital account liberalisation in China: Guidelines from global experience" | |
04.02.2014 | Thomas Hintermaier, Universität Bonn "Household debt and crises of confidence" | |
28.01.2014 | Clemens Bonner, Niederländische Zentralbank "Banks' Liquidity Buffers and the Role of Liquidity Regulation" | |
07.01.2014 | Andreas Steiner, Universität Osnabrück "Reserve accumulation and financial crises: from individual protection to systemic risk" |
17.12.2013 | David Marsh, Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum "Europe's Deadlock: How the Euro Crisis Could be Solved - and Why It Won't Happen" | |
26.11.2013 | Stefan Klonner, Universität Heidelberg "Can semi-formal credit help to cope with an aggregate shock? Evidence from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami" | |
18.06.2013 | Jeromin Zettelmeyer, EBRD London "Greek Debt Restructuring" | |
11.06.2013 | Christoph Trebesch, LMU München "Sovereign Defaults in Court - The Rise of Creditor Litigation 1976 - 2010" | |
04.06.2013 | Christian R. Proano, New School for Social Research, New York "Detecting and Predicting Economic Accelarations, Recessions, and Normal Growth Periods in Real-Time" | |
14.05.2013 | Niklas Potrafke, Ifo Institut München "Does the Field of Study Influence Students' Political Attitudes?" | |
30.04.2013 | Andreas Steiner, Universität Osnabrück "Public Budget Balance of Reserve Currency Countries" | |
26.03.2013 | Soojin Jo, Bank of Canada "The Effects of Oil Price Uncertainty on the Macroeconomy" | |
29.01.2013 | Alexander Kubis, IAB Nürnberg "What determines the level of success in filling vacancies?" |
11.12.2012 | Erik Theissen, Universität Mannheim "Economic Forces Unleashed: Dissecting the Relation between GDP and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns" | |
04.12.2012 | Ben Craig, Deutsche Bundesbank & Federal Reserve Bank Cleveland "Interbank Tiering and Money Center Banks" | |
09.10.2012 | Falko Fecht, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management "Relationship lending in the interbank market and the price of liquidity" | |
10.07.2012 | Sascha Steffen, ESMT Berlin "The greatest carry trade ever? Explaining eurozone bank risks" | |
03.07.2012 | Ralph de Haas, EBRD London "Running for the Exit? International Bank Lending During a Financial Crisis" | |
19.06.2012 | Ulrich Blum, Universität Halle-Wittenberg "Portfolio benefits vs. market perception: are firms in Eastern Germany of optimal size?" | |
12.06.2012 | Barbara Fritz, FU Berlin "Regional Monetary Cooperation in Developing Areas: Which Lessons to be learnt from the Euro Crisis?" | |
05.06.2012 | Tim Oliver Berg, IFO Institut München "Inflation Expectations and Readiness to Spend: Cross-Sectional Evidence" | |
22.05.2012 | Thomas Kneib, Universität Göttingen "Semiparametrische Markenwahlmodelle" | |
15.05.2012 | Ronnie Schöb, FU Berlin "Unemployment and Identity" | |
08.05.2012 | Peter Tillmann, Universität Gießen "The changing dynamics of US inflation persistence: a quantile regression approach" | |
31.01.2012 | Johannes Becker, Universität Münster "Taxation of mobile firms with unknown mobility" | |
24.01.2012 | Tobias Seidel, ETH Zürich "The competitive effects of credit constraints in the global economy – Theory and structural estimation" | |
10.01.2012 | Matthias Wrede, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg "Wages, Rents, Unemployment, and the Quality of Life" |
13.12.2011 | Ralph De Haas, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development "Running for the Exit: International Banks and Crisis Transmission" | |
06.12.2011 | Felix Bierbrauer, Universität Köln "Optimal tax and expenditure policy with aggregate uncertainty" | |
29.11.2011 | Alfred Greiner, Universität Bielefeld "Public Debt and the Dynamics of Economic Growth" | |
22.11.2011 | Michael Grimm, Erasmus University Rotterdam "Investment Decisions of Small Entrepreneurs in a Context of Strong Sharing Norms" | |
08.11.2011 | Andreas Ziegler, Universität Kassel "Is it Beneficial to be Included in a Sustainability Stock Index? An Empirical Analysis" | |
01.11.2011 | Volker Nitsch, TU Darmstadt "National Representation in Multinational Institutions: The Case of the European Central Bank" | |
21.06.2011 | Andreas Wagener, Universität Hannover "Optimal Duration of Contracts" | |
14.06.2011 | Mathias Hoffmann, University of Zurich "By a Silken Thread: Regional banking integration and pathways to financial development in Japan's Great Recession" | |
07.06.2011 | Johannes Becker, Universität Münster "Capital Tax Competition and Trade - Two Robustness Checks of the Standard Model" | |
31.05.2011 | Xingwang Qian, Buffalo State, State University of New York "International Reserves, the Composition of Capital Inflows and the Maturity of External Debt" | |
25.05.2011 | Jürgen Bitzer, Universität Oldenburg "Is there a Wage Premium for Voluntary Open Source Software Engagement?" | |
24.05.2011 | Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Universität Göttingen "CEECs Integration into Regional and Global Production Networks" | |
10.05.2011 | Philipp Harms, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz "The Home Bias in Equities and Distribution Costs" | |
26.04.2011 | Mark Trappmann, IAB "Exits from basic income support to gainful employment: The impact of labour market barriers and household context" | |
19.04.2011 | Werner Güth, Max-Planck-Institut für Ökonomik, Jena "Experimental Evidence, Constitutional Rules and Bounded Rationality" | |
12.04.2011 | Christiane Clemens, Universität Bielefeld "The Effects of International Financial Integration in a Model with Heterogeneous Firms and Credit Frictions" | |
25.01.2011 | Doina Radulescu, ETH Zürich (Schweiz) "D&O Insurance, Corporate Governance and Managerial Incentives" | |
04.01.2011 | Wolfram Richter, Universität Dortmund "Efficient Human Capital Policy with Overlapping Generations and Endogenous Growth" |
30.11.2010 | Joachim Gassen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin "The Contracting Role of Income Smoothing: Evidence of European Private Firms" | |
23.11.2010 | Shinichiro Nakamura Waseda, University Tokyo (Japan) "UPIOM: A New Tool for Visualizing the Flow of Materials in the Economy" | |
02.11.2010 | Isabel Schnabel, Universität Mainz "Financial Integration and Growth - Is Emerging Europe Different?" | |
26.10.2010 | Laurent Simula, Uppsala University "Marginal Deadweight Loss when the Income Tax is Nonlinear" | |
19.10.2010 | Martin Brown, Swiss National Bank und Tillburg University "Relational Contracting under the Threat of Expropriation - Experimental Evidence" | |
22.06.2010 | Axel Stock, University of Central Florida, Orlando "Advertising Effectiveness, Digital Video Recorders, and Product Market Competition" | |
15.06.2010 | Jochen Bigus, Universität Bern (Switzerland) "Hausbankenbeziehung und vorsichtige Bilanzierung - Evidenz für den deutschen Mittelstand" | |
01.06.2010 | Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Brunel University, London (UK) "Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in the Euro Area" | |
18.05.2010 | Gianluca Cubadda, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Italy) "Testing for Common Autocorrelation in Data Rich Environments" | |
11.05.2010 | Frank Heinemann, Technische Universität Berlin "The Power of Sunspots: An Experimental Study" | |
27.04.2010 | Axel Dreher, Universität Göttingen "The costs of favoritism: Is politically-driven aid less effective?" | |
20.04.2010 | Hendrik Hakenes, Leibniz Universität Hannover "Capital Market Frictions and Economic Geography" | |
06.04.2010 | Ola Olsson, University of Göteborg (Sweden) "Ethnic Cleansing or Resource Struggle in Darfur? An Empirical Analysis" | |
09.02.2010 | Christian Grund, Universität Würzburg "Trust and Control at the Workplace – Evidence from Representative Samples of Employees" | |
02.02.2010 | Ulrich Rendtel, Freie Universität Berlin "Measurement Error in Retrospective Unemployment Spells - A Validation Study with Register Data" | |
26.01.2010 | Franz Kronthaler, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW Chur) "The potential for new venture creation of Swiss regions – A comparison based on cluster analysis" |
01.12.2009 | Johannes Jaenicke, Universität Erfurt "Are gasoline and diesel prices separable? A cointegration analysis of the Austrian mineral oil market with a daily data set" | |
14.07.2009 | Helmut Lütkepohl, European University Institute (Italy) "Structural Vector Autoregressions with Markov Switching" | |
07.07.2009 | Paul Pichler, Universität Wien "Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy Without Commitment" | |
30.06.2009 | Simon Weidenholzer, Universität Wien "Imitation and the Evolution of Walrasian Behavior: Theoretically Fragile but Behaviorally Robust" | |
19.05.2009 | Robert Jung, Universität Erfurt "Dynamic Factor Models for Multivariate Count Data: An Application to Stock-Market Trading Activity" | |
28.04.2009 | Stephan Klasen, Universität Göttingen "Does aid promote exports? Evidence from a multi-donor study | |
21.04.2009 | Thorsten Beck, Tilburg University (Netherlands) "Who Gets the Credit? And Does It Matter? Household vs. Enterprise Lending" | |
14.04.2009 | Klaus Abbink, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) "The Dark Side" | |
10.02.2009 | Marcel Thum, Universität Dresden "Ageing Municipalities, Gerontocracy and Fiscal Competition" | |
03.02.2009 | Timo Wollmershäuser, ifo Institut "Monetary Policy Transmission and House Prices: European Cross Country Evidence" | |
27.01.2009 | Mark Meyer, GWS Osnabrück "Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models - New Approaches to the Model Selection Problem" |
16.12.2008 | Jukka Pirttila, University of Tampere (Finland) "Employment effects of low-wage subsidies" | |
02.12.2008 | Thomas Renström, University of Durham (UK) "Political Equilibrium Social Security with Migration" | |
25.11.2008 | Dirk Sliwka, Universität Köln "The Power of Differentiation? - On the Incentive Effects of Bonus Plans" | |
11.11.2008 | Gebhard Flaig, LMU Munich "Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen und Arbeitslosigkeit" | |
04.11.2008 | Silke Übelmesser, LMU Munich "Financing Higher Education and Labor Mobility" | |
23.09.2008 | Andreas Steiner, Universität Mannheim "The Accumulation of Foreign Exchange by Central Banks: Fear of Capital Mobility?" | |
08.07.2008 | Jörn Kleinert, Universität Tübingen "Service activities of Multinational Firms" | |
17.06.2008 | Sascha O. Becker, University of Stirling, "Going NUTS - The effect of EU Structural Funds on Regional Performance" | |
03.06.2008 | Irina Bunda, Université d'Orléans 1. "The role of the exchange rate in a globalised economy" 2. "Leading indicators of financial crises" | |
27.05.2008 | Felix Wenzelmann, BIBB - Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung Bonn "Cost and Benefit of Apprenticeship Training – A Comparison of Germany and Switzerland" | |
20.05.2008 | Joachim Winter, LMU München "The workings of a private health insurance market: Enrollment decisions, plan choice, and adverse selection in Medicare Part D" | |
15.04.2008 | Daniel Sturm, London School of Economics (LSE) "Political Competition, Policy and Growth: Theory and Evidence from the United States" | |
04.03.2008 | Claudia Buch, Universität Tübingen "Great Moderation” at the Firm-Level? Unconditional vs. Conditional Volatility" | |
29.01.2008 | Carsten Stahmer, Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden "Ein Gender-Modell der Halbtagsgesellschaft" | |
15.01.2008 | Anja Schöttner, Universität Bonn "Antidumping Duties under Asymmetric Cost Information" |
04.12.2007 | Timo Wollmershäuser, Ifo München "The Stress of Having a Single Monetary Policy in Europe" | |
20.11.2007 | Matthias Hertweck, European University Institute, Florence "Strategic Wage Bargaining, Labor Market Volatility, and Persistence" | |
13.11.2007 | Torsten Schmidt, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V. (RWI Essen) "Why are the Effects of Recent Oil Price Shocks so Small?" | |
30.10.2007 | Lukas Menkhoff, Universität Hannover "Lernen aus Order Flow im elektronischen Devisenhandel" | |
10.07.2007 | Michael Frömmel, Universität Hannover "Nichtlineare Modellierung des realen Wechselkurses und Zinsdifferentiale" | |
05.06.2007 | Gunther Schnabl, Universität Leipzig, "A Structural Break in the Effects of Japanese Foreign Exchange Intervention" | |
17.04.2007 | Irina Bunda, Université d'Orléans, France "Emerging Debt Markets: What Do Correlations and Spreads Tell Us?" | |
09.01.2007 | Christoph Bertsch "Finanzkrisen in Osteuropa" | |
12.12.2006 | Helge Berger "Monetary Policy in the Media" | |
23.05.2006 | Alfons Weichenrieder "What Determines the Use of Holding Companies and Ownership Chains?" | |
26.04.2006 | Jan-Egbert Sturm Präsentation des EEAG Reports 2006 |