Fachbereich 9


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07. Dezember 2016 : Completed Research Paper accepted at WI 2017 in St. Gallen

We are proud to announce that the completed research paper "Rebound Effects in Cloud Computing: Towards a Conceptual Framework" by Michael Adelmeyer, Marc Walterbusch, Peter Biermanski, Kai Seifert, and Frank Teuteberg has been accepted for publication at the 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017).

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WI 2017 St. Gallen

We are proud to announce that the completed research paper "Rebound Effects in Cloud Computing: Towards a Conceptual Framework" by Michael Adelmeyer, Marc Walterbusch, Peter Biermanski, Kai Seifert, and Frank Teuteberg has been accepted for publication at the 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017). WI 2017 will take place February 12-15, 2017, in St. Gallen, Switzerland. The WI conference has an "A" ranking according to the WKWI journal and conference ranking ("B" in case of an acceptance rate of [30-50%]).